Laredo Sector Border Patrol rescues an illegal alien in distress

On June 21, 2017, Border Patrol agents from the Laredo Sector Border Patrol were working their assigned duties near a ranch in El Cenizo, Texas when they encountered a subject in distress.


Agents assigned to the Laredo South Border Patrol Station were tracking a group of suspected illegal aliens near a ranch in El Cenizo, Texas when they encountered an unresponsive female showing signs of having suffered a heat stroke. The unresponsive female was abandoned by her guide when she could no longer keep up with the rest of the group.

Once encountered, the agents called dispatch to summon Emergency Medical Services (EMS) for medical attention and transport to a hospital. Due to the fact that the unresponsive female was is an area not accessible by vehicle, the agents carried her to their vehicle parked serval hundred yards away. A Border Patrol Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) along with other Border Patrol agents were the first to arrive and began administering medical assistance to stabilize the subject and bring her core body temperature down. The Border Patrol EMT and other agents were able to provide the necessary medical attention to the subject until EMS arrived. The subject was determined to be from the country of Guatemala.

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