Bill Cosby is going on tour to educate young people about how to avoid sexual assaults

Alleged serial sexual assaulter Bill Cosby apparently plans on traveling the country to teach young people how to avoid sexual assault in a series of Town Halls.


Cosby’s spokesman Andrew Wyatt and Ebonee Benson said on Good Day Alabama that the tour will start in July and will teach young people “what they’re facing when they’re hanging out and partying, when they’re doing certain things they shouldn’t be doing, and it also affects married men.”

There is kind of a sick logic in Cosby teaching sexual assault classes. It’s like how companies hire hackers to test vulnerabilities in their cyber security. It’s also like getting Bill Clinton to teach classes on how to not get taken advantage of as an intern.

“Laws are changing, the statute of limitations for victims of sexual assault are being extended,” Benson said. “So this is why people need to be educated on… a brush on the shoulder could be considered sexual assault. This is why people need to be educated about the laws.”

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