Poll: Opposition to AHCA has doubled among GOP voters since April

In a new Morning Consult/POLITICO survey, 3 out of 10 Republican voters said they disapprove of the House GOP’s bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. By contrast, 16 percent of GOP voters said they disapproved of the legislation just days before it passed the House on May 4, according to a Morning Consult poll conducted April 27-30. Support for the House bill has also declined among Republicans, from 67 percent in April to 56 percent in June.


Mounting disapproval of the health care bill among Republicans reflects the growing trend within the entire electorate. In the new poll, half of all voters said they oppose the House-passed Obamacare repeal bill, up from 37 percent at the end of April. At the same time, the bill’s approval has dipped from 42 percent in April to 35 percent this month.

House Republicans have also lost the backing of most independents voters, who were split on the bill in April with 36 percent supporting it and the same percentage opposing it. Now, only 26 percent of independents support the House GOP bill, while 53 percent oppose it.

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