Bill Cosby tattoos and the secret shame of people who have them

In 2009, when Zitzka got Cosby’s face inked on his leg, the comedian still seemed like a lovable childhood icon. Five years later, Cosby’s career was engulfed by claims that he had drugged and assaulted dozens of women. More than 50 women came forward with stories. The allegations were chilling, and dated back as far as the 1960s. A criminal trial brought by Constand ended in mistrial on June 17.


Zitzka doesn’t follow the allegations closely. He says he doesn’t want to presume Cosby’s guilt. He has hundreds of tattoos on his body—more than he can count. But he started feeling pretty weird about this one in 2014. “It probably is the only tattoo I possibly regret at this point,” he says. “When I got it, I thought: ‘It’s Bill Cosby; who doesn’t love Bill Cosby?” Flash forward to today, when I have to be cautious about where I wear shorts.”

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