“A lot of our people view this as just a continual re-litigation of an election the Democrats lost,” said Dallas Woodhouse, executive director of the North Carolina GOP, who said 800 Republicans came to a party gathering last weekend to hear Kellyanne Conway and Lara Trump speak. “Nothing that James Comey says is going to impact whether they can put gas in their car, whether they can feed their family, whether they can take an additional day at the beach or the mountains this summer.”
While the solidity of Trump’s base isn’t surprising, the partisan lens through which events like the Comey testimony are viewed gives clues to how congressional Republicans might behave when it comes to the president. GOP lawmakers often lament Trump’s twitchy thumbs on Twitter and the ways in which he consistently distracts from the tasks at hand—this week was supposed to be dedicated to infrastructure policy, after all—but they haven’t thrown their hands up yet…
“Honestly, they don’t seem to care too much about all this Russia mumbo jumbo,” said Kyle Hupfer, the GOP chair in Indiana, a state Trump won by 19 points and where his vice president used to be governor. “[Comey] is the same person that every Democrat wanted terminated six months ago, and now he’s the darling of the Democratic Party?”
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