Wasn't that election "special"?

Since November, the left has been dreaming of a Republican defeat somewhere they can attribute to their work to turn the American people who voted for President Donald Trump against him. They didn’t get it in Kansas, they didn’t get it in Georgia (at least not yet), and now they didn’t get it in Montana. They’ll now migrate to South Carolina at the end of June for their next bite at the apple.


There’s no other reason so much time and money is being spent covering special elections that, in the grand scheme of things, don’t matter at all. One House seat here or there does not matter unless you’re trying to advance a narrative about President Trump’s unpopularity harming the GOP.

The SS Democrat is sailing the country hunting its white whale, and these little Ahabs could almost taste it this time – so much so they wiped coverage of a terrorist attack that killed 22, mostly children, right off the television.

It’s something that would shame a normal person into some self-reflection and maybe let some air out of their bubble. But the only walls liberal journalists believe in is the one they’ve build around their psyches, and it’s impenetrable.

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