As ever, absolute moral authority only belongs to those who preach civility and compassion for others — while ramming their own policy preferences and values down our throats.
Millions of us who wanted our individual-market health-insurance plans left alone were branded selfish or liars for the past eight years. Our stories were stifled; our cancellation notices derided; our accounts of skyrocketing health-insurance costs and diminished access to doctors mocked.
The partisan Beltway press shot down true stories of government-engineered pain and suffering while hyping countless tall tales spun by the Obamacare Fable Factory.
Remember when Organizing for Action (previously Obama for America) peddled the “success story” of Chad Henderson, a supposedly random Millennial who miraculously enrolled in Obamacare while everyone else in America experienced major tech meltdowns and sticker shock? Chad was an OFA volunteer who had actually never enrolled in Obamaare — and then claimed he was just “joking” when he got caught lying.
Or how about Otto Raddatz, the Illinois cancer patient promoted by President Obama who supposedly died after he was dropped from his plan when his insurer discovered an unreported gallstone the patient hadn’t known about. The truth? He got the treatment he needed in 2005 and lived for nearly four more years.
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