The taming of the Trump

The left largely believes that Trump has so far proved to be a paper tiger, a wannabe tyrant with no apparent aptitude for tyranny. Reactionary Mind author Corey Robin, for instance, writes: “When it comes to advancing the singular potency of the presidency — whether that means controlling public opinion, consolidating the power of the executive branch, or dominating Congress — Trump has been an abject failure. Whatever fantasies he (or the media or his critics) may have about the presidency abound, the last 100 days have shown that Trump has no realistic agenda for, or steady interest in, consolidating power.”


On the right, there is recognition that the Republican agenda has unaccountably stalled, but nonetheless Trump is a “dream president” for evangelicals (according to Jerry Falwell Jr.), he’s still strongly supported by the Republican base, and no matter what else happens, they’ll have Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court for a generation.

The bipartisan foreign policy establishment, meanwhile, may be pestered by President Trump’s Twitter excretions, but they soothe themselves with the mantra that “he’s surrounding himself with an outstanding national security team.”

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