Obama was re-elected in 2012 with 51 percent of the vote; Trump won just 46 percent of the vote in 2016.
Two out of three voters (65 percent) told Pew Research Center last summer that Supreme Court appointments were “very important” to how they would vote in the 2016 presidential race. Nearly 66 million of Americans then went to the polls and cast their vote for Hillary Clinton, compared to 63 million who voted for Donald Trump.
A year ago, 52 percent of Americans favored Garland’s nomination. Just 45 percent favor Gorsuch for the Court, the lowest level of public support for a Supreme Court nominee since the controversial nominations of Robert Bork (31 percent) and Harriet Miers (44 percent). The Senate rejected Bork, and Miers withdrew under intense criticism.
“The American people are perfectly capable of having their say — their say — on this issue,” said McConnell last year at this time. “So let’s give them a vote. Let’s let the American people decide.”
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