Have TV media had their fill of Kellyanne Conway?

An anchor from a different network said Conway hasn’t been invited on the anchor’s show for months, saying the viewer gets “nothing out of her” because “she constantly obfuscates and misrepresents the truth.”


“At best, Conway is low-hanging spinning fruit, sugary but empty. At worst she’s an apparatchik or, as Carl Bernstein puts it, ‘a propaganda minister.’ Neither is good for the republic,” added the anchor, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “That’s why I’ve chosen not to have her on.”

Some in television have wondered whether Conway is in the room when White House decisions are being made. Scarborough said on Tuesday that Conway “is a free agent” who books her own television appearances.

“She goes out, she says whatever she wants to say … and then she comes back in, and they have to clean it up. Now she will lie, as she does every time the truth comes out, she will say she’s being victimized,” Scarborough said.

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