White House leans into Trump Inc.

But there’s little official recourse since the White House essentially self-polices on such ethics issues. And Conway is unlikely to face reprimand from a boss who clearly approves. It was Trump himself, after all, who touched off the controversy, when he took to Twitter on Wednesday to attack Nordstrom, saying his daughter had been “treated so unfairly” by the company and that its decision was “terrible!”…


Ivanka Trump isn’t the only offspring whose business endeavors are creating controversy. People familiar with the matter say the two sons, Eric and Don Jr., actively want to grow the family’s business and are “exploring new opportunities,” one person said. Trump handed off management of the Trump Organization’s day-to-day operations to the two of them.

“Eric, in particular, has taken a very aggressive position,” this person said.

The two sons have also taken little care to steer clear of the White House. They both showed up for Trump’s announcement of Judge Neil Gorsuch as his Supreme Court nominee, and chatted with senators and Trump aides before heading back to New York. Adding to the optics problem, The Washington Post recently reported that a business trip for the organization cost almost $100,000 to protect.

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