Trump's EPA pick will make Obama regret his environmental overreach

In nominating Pruitt, the administration is signaling that it is clearly up to such a fight — and not just over climate change.

He is also on record as being against EPA’s most recent interpretation of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, which was used to pre-emptively prohibit the owners of what may be the largest copper-gold-molybdenum deposit on earth, the Pebble deposit in southwestern Alaska, from even applying for a permit to mine. This, even though it is on land zoned for mining by the State of Alaska.


Our friends in the environmental movement should rightly be at Defcon Five. It appears that President-Elect Trump — in many ways just like his predecessor — is going to keep his environmental campaign promises, which means reversing eight years what many feel was an era of green overreach.

Remember that Obama said he would “bankrupt” anyone foolish enough to build a new coal-fired power plant, because he would render them unprofitable. That’s just what his Clean Power Plan does. Trump promises to nix it.

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