But Democrats and Republicans need to go farther and negotiate, before the Electors meet, a Compromise of 2016 that will produce a National Unity Government, with all Democratic Electors and at least 38 Republican Electors also voting for a Democrat (Elizabeth Warren? Joe Biden?) for Vice President, an agreement by both not to run in 2020, a division of Cabinet posts between the parties, and agreement on certain key measures to restore trust in American government and politics.
Such a grand compromise would not only save America and the world from the untold disasters that a Trump Presidency would be highly likely to precipitate, but also deliver to the American people what most of them so desire: a Washington that works and an easing of the bitter partisan division that has marked the federal government since the 1990s.
Many Republicans are as terrified by a Trump Presidency as are most Democrats. Their fears grow by the day, as the Mad Tweeter continues to demonstrate his irrationality and immaturity and to surround himself with dangerous advisors. How many Republicans can be at all comfortable with the prospect of Gen. Flynn—a man who has spread many fake news stories and conspiracy theories, including a charge just before the election that Hillary Clinton was involved in “Sex Crimes w/Children,” says of such fake news, “citizen journalism is the new future for truth,” plays into the hands of Islamist radicals by saying the West is involved in “a world war” with Islam, and has close ties to Vladimir Putin—as National Security Advisor?
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