One of the things that will be funniest to watch once Donald Trump becomes president will be how, all of a sudden, core economic data reflects hard realities and not the machinations of an anti-Trump conspiracy. You may remember way back during the presidential campaign a week ago that Trump would regularly suggest that economic data, like the unemployment numbers, were artificially low and that the real numbers were being suppressed or ignored and so on. They weren’t then, and they won’t be under Trump, but rest assured that Democrats will quickly point out that Trump once mocked the numbers he’s soon going to try to take credit for.
It’s almost amusing the extent to which politicians and their supporters try to take credit for/assume the best about themselves and the worst about their opponents. Remember when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stood on the Senate floor in January 2015 and tried to argue that good economic numbers were the result of the Republican sweep in 2014? That was funny.
It was also not unique. Gallup looks at economic confidence numbers on a regular basis, and it polled members of the two major parties before and after last week’s election. And guess what! Republicans are suddenly much more confident about the future of the economy and Democrats are suddenly far less confident, as Bloomberg News’ Joe Weisenthal noted on Twitter.
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