Without someone somewhere leaking information to a reporter, there would be no journalism. Shouldn’t the journalist’s primary concern be providing Americans with properly vetted and accurate information — one year out from an election or one day out? Or is their job to worry about how information will influence voters? Because that’s its own form of bias.
Now, I won’t lie. Watching these holier-than-thou, concern-trolling media types who’ve spent months pretending to be distressed about the health of our institutions have a collective meltdown is probably my favorite part of this horrible, caustic presidential election. When their own atrocious candidate is threatened, the Paul Krugmans and Norm Ornsteins start sounding a lot more like Alex Jones. Rigged elections, indeed.
When Harry Reid lies, smears, and destroys reputations, he proves himself no better than Donald Trump’s functionaries. And when liberals claim Comey is endangering democracy, they mean he’s endangering the prospects of Hillary’s winning — which to them is the same thing. They sound a lot like Trump fans who make no distinction between “patriotism” and voting for their own candidate. Both brands of hyper-partisanship are a threat to the republic.
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