Is modern feminism incompatible with science?

Obviously, culture does play a large part in shaping behavioral differences between the genders. But to deny the prominent role of biology in our lives is dangerous nonsense. Ignoring it will not empower women but endanger them. Multiple sclerosis, lupus, migraine headaches, chronic fatigue syndrome (myalgic encephalomyelitis), depression and anxiety, and irritable bowel syndrome are more common in women. Will ascribing these pathological differences to patriarchal social constructs help find a cure?


Unfortunately, feminist ideology has already undermined academic freedom. Despite such well documented biological and psychological differences between men and women, some scientists have admitted being afraid to talk about them out of fear of being labeled “sexist.”

Few in a modern, liberal society would doubt the historical benefit of feminism. For a society to be prosperous and just, respectful treatment and equality of opportunity must be extended to all. But modern feminism has advanced well beyond its laudable origins to encapsulate an ideology that is increasingly detached from reality. As Ms. Airaksinen eloquently concludes, “[T]he thick academic prose of feminist scholars confers gravitas to what otherwise could resemble political propaganda.”

That empowers nobody.

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