Republicans who care about the future of the party should ask these questions

10. What do we make of two sets of facts — the first being that the Republican party is made up of thousands and thousands of elected officials, most all of whom are conservative and almost none of whom is running or will run as a disciple of Donald Trump; and the fact that Mr. Trump is the nominee, having easily beaten an impressive Republican field, and that most of those elected officials, including the congressional leadership of the Republican party, have either endorsed or supported Trump?


11. Does the restoration of the Republican party require total reconciliation — or is there a faction that needs to be driven out, similar to what William F. Buckley Jr. did to the John Birch Society? Are there “deplorables”? If so — and I would say the Stephen Bannon/–led alt-right movement certainly qualifies — how large is that group, and what needs to be done about them?

12. What is it that the center-right party in America needs to stand for? Does the three-legged Reagan stool — an alliance of economic, national-security, and social conservatives — still make sense? If so, is a supply-side growth agenda still the economic priority — or is long-term debt and entitlements a higher priority? Or is there a more pressing agenda than macroeconomic policy in the domestic-policy zone? Is there a non-interventionist/non-internationalist definition of national-security conservatism? What are its key pillars? And what is a socially conservative agenda in an increasingly secularizing country?

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