Instead of downplaying and debating whether their nominee is a sexual assaulter or merely a pig, Republicans would have an election far more focused on Hillary Clinton’s record and agenda.
Instead of talking about their nominee as the lesser of two evils, Republicans could hold up the election of this youthful Cuban-American son of a maid and bartender as evidence of America’s greatness.
“Every day I marvel at the notion that someone whose father came to this country with nothing, knew no one . . . with a third-grade education, was able to own a home and retire with dignity and leave all four of his children better off than himself — and one of them is only one of 100 people to serve in the Senate of the most important nation in all of human history,” Rubio said.
Instead of talking about poll after poll showing their nominee losing, I strongly suspect Republicans would be touting polls showing Rubio beating Clinton.
It’s safe to assume change trumps the status quo — unless the change candidate manages on too many days to come off as a shallow and volatile.
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