Yes, I still support Trump

How many leftists in the media or in the Democratic Party have renounced now that Hillary Clinton and her top campaign operatives have exposed themselves in emails as an anti-Catholic and anti-Evangelical bigots? The left keeps asking, how can Christians still support Donald Trump for President? Here’s one answer: she’s for partial birth abortion and he’s not. She’s an anti-Catholic bigot and he’s not. It will be the day that hell freezes over that the media writes a column asking: how can any Catholic in good conscience vote for Hillary Clinton?


Even if you believe that Clinton and Trump are louts, why vote for the lout who will raise taxes, put three more Sodamayers on the Supreme Court, cripple our energy industry, double down on Obamacare, support partial birth abortion, and worship at the green altar of climate change? Why not vote for the lout who will do the opposite?

Some say that Mr. Trump is deranged, even unhinged? You want to hear deranged? Listen to the leftists leading the charge against Mr. Trump. The USA Today ran a rant last week by a professor at Princeton wrote tongue-in-cheek about the Orwellian future if Mr. Trump wins: “Some continued to resist Trump’s efforts to Make America Great Again. To prevent them from undermining his policies, many African Americans, Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Hispanics, and nonconformists were sent to labor camps for re-education and potential deportation.”

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