Political fallout from last Friday’s leaked “Access Hollywood” footage, which features Donald Trump bragging about his ability to sexually assault women thanks to his fame, has been swift. In the days following the tape’s release, more than 60 elected Republican officials have stated they will no longer vote for the GOP presidential nominee, though a few of these lawmakers later recanted.
Many voters are now abandoning Trump, as the newest polling released in wake of the scandal’s details. A PRRI/The Atlantic poll released Tuesday shows Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s national lead now extends 11 percentage points over Trump, and a whopping 61 percent of likely women voters say they intend to vote for Clinton, compared with 28 percent who intend to vote for Trump.
Since that poll’s release, numerous women have publicly alleged that Trump made unwanted sexual advances toward them in the past, which directly contradicts what Trump told CNN’s Anderson Cooper during Sunday’s debate when asked whether he had forcibly kissed or groped women without their consent. No polling has come out yet in wake of these claims, but based on the impact of last week’s tape, the outlook isn’t good for Trump’s campaign.
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