Trump isn’t teflon

A series of women have accused Donald Trump of sexually assaulting them. Trump has denied the claims. But given the number of accusers and the release of a tape last week that showed Trump bragging about actions similar to the ones the women described, the stories are likely to be a problem for his campaign.


We’re 26 days away from the election, so I wanted to advance a series of simple propositions about how the allegations might affect Trump’s prospects. If this stuff sounds familiar, it probably should, since it’s similar to the analysis I did after the release of the tape last week.

Proposition No. 1: Trump isn’t “Teflon.” Stories like these have hurt him. The conventional wisdom from the primaries — that Trump was unaffected by scandals or other negative storylines — hasn’t held up in the general election. Trump is the most unpopular presidential nominee of the modern era, and furthermore, downswings in his polling correlate well with specific incidents, such as his criticism of Judge Gonzalo Curiel and Khizr and Ghazala Khan. He’s also lost further ground to Hillary Clinton since the tape was released last week.

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