Several possibilities come to mind. Perhaps liberals simply don’t believe the women who accused Clinton of raping him, or simply don’t care about his sordid sexual affairs. Another is that liberals actually think rape and sexual immorality in general are nothing to get upset about, but they’re nonetheless willing to exploit public sentiment to demonize Trump.
The third possibility is perhaps the most horrifying: liberals do think sexual assault and sexual depravity are very bad things, but they’re willing to look the other way when a Democrat does them. Maybe liberals are so committed to advancing progressive public policy that they consider a few raped women (and a few broken marriage vows) to be acceptable collateral damage. “It’s okay if Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick,” they might say to themselves. “He was still a great president.”
This is not all that far-fetched. Recently, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd admitted “feminism sort of died” during the Clinton administration. As she put it, feminists “had to come along with Bill Clinton’s retrogressive behavior with women in order to protect the progressive policies for women that Bill Clinton had as president.” So perhaps liberals are willing to put aside terrible crimes against women when a Democrat is the perpetrator, so long as the Democrat will continue to advance liberals’ political interests.
To be fair, it’s objectively good that the Left is trying to keep Trump out of office. He is unfit even to run an ice cream parlor, and he should be nowhere near the White House. We should join our liberal friends in submarining Trump’s chances to be elected president.
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