Trump’s truest believers start to worry: "You could easily lose this election"

On the other side of the street, a Trump supporter in line screamed: “What about Bill Clinton? Clinton is still a rapist!” A vendor sold blue yard signs that said: “Trump that b—- before it’s too late.” Another sold T-shirts showing a cartoon Trump urinating on the word “Hillary.”


Pam Butler, 59, is worried Trump will lose. She blames the Republican establishment.

Butler, who lives in Evans City and works at the post office, was appalled to learn that House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) announced Monday he would no longer defend Trump or campaign with him. “I’m sickened by it, just sickened,” she said. “They’re going to regret it. . . . They’re going to regret it in the end. I hope they do. Their constituents are going to leave them.”

Ron Ritz, 69, blames the media for making a big deal out of Trump’s 2005 comments. Ritz said now that Trump has apologized, everyone needs to move on and focus on issues of greater importance — such as Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state and her response to the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.

“We are guys, and there are locker room statements, okay? There are girls that go to locker rooms and make statements, too,” said Ritz, an Air Force veteran who lives in Somerset County.

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