Millennial women expect better than Clinton

I was 10 years old when the Drudge Report broke news of the Lewinsky affair. Suddenly, I wasn’t allowed to read the newspaper anymore. I remember sneaking a look at a Rush Limbaugh newsletter and puzzling over why a stain on a blue dress could matter.


I can’t believe, 18 years later, the Clintons are still accepted in polite society. Nor am I the only millennial unenthused about the prospect of another Clinton White House: in the Iowa Democrat primary, Bernie Sanders beat Clinton by 70 points among 17- to 29-year-olds, according to exit polls. In New Hampshire, he beat her by 67 points among 18- to 29-year-olds.

The focus should be on Hillary Clinton’s actions, absolutely. But she has chosen not only to remain married to Bill Clinton, but also to make him a significant part of her presidential campaign. The former president delivered a long prime-time speech at the Democratic convention, sentimentally speaking about his marriage to Hillary. That makes his actions fair game.

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