Ted Cruz: I still support Trump

“I am supporting the Republican nominee because I think Hillary Clinton is an absolute disaster,” Cruz replied. “Now my differences with Donald, I have articulated at great length during the campaign and I tried with all my might” to win the nomination.


When Trump’s comments surfaced Friday, Cruz denounced them as “disturbing and inappropriate.” But it was unclear whether he was still fully behind Trump, especially after a slew of reports suggesting he could rescind his endorsement.

In the interview with Gil Lamb Advertising/Channel 6, Cruz made clear he is still backing Trump — even if just out of opposition to Democratic rival Clinton.

“This is an election unlike any other but I’ll tell you, Hillary Clinton, I think, is manifestly unfit to be president,” Cruz said when asked about the state of the presidential race. “The policies she’s advancing are the continuation of eight years of Barack Obama.”

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