“I’ve been around a lot of very religious people who, especially like my father, who would never talk like that,” said Douglas E. Lowe, an East Texas Republican who expressed dismay at the recording but said he still planned to vote for Mr. Trump. He said he doubted that was how the men who go to his Baptist church would talk.
Some men use crude language — “then again, women do, too” — said Mr. Lowe, 63, a lawyer and former district attorney. But he said of Mr. Trump: “I don’t think he gets a pass. It kind of shows his character.”
Remarco Lewis, 32, who works at a concession stand at Wrigley Field in Chicago, said it was not uncommon to hear men use graphic language about women, even “just walking down the street.”
Dick DeGuerin, a prominent Houston lawyer, said he is no stranger to hearing — and even using — graphic talk about sex.
But he said, “Nobody with any couth whatsoever walks up to a woman” and does what Mr. Trump described. Men “might talk about beautiful women in a way that’s like, ‘Golly, that gal is really gorgeous’ or ‘I’d like to get in her pants’ or something like that.”
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