Donald Trump doesn’t have many demographic allies left, but there’s one group that still loves him: white guys without college degrees. They’re bananas for him. According to an ABC News/Washington Post poll conducted post-debate, white guys are the force keeping Trump’s campaign from collapsing into flaccidity. Being as Donald as possible in the final weeks before the election is a Hail Mary pass designed to get his most ardent fans to the polls.
If Trump is to have any shot on Election Day, he’s got to get white guys without college degrees to show up by keeping them motivated, and he keeps them motivated by keeping them angry over the slights responsible for their condition. The appeal of The Donald is that he’s Just Like Them. He’s so Just Like Them that if it wasn’t for the elites and the blacks and the Mexicans and the over-prepared, Hillary-esque women challenging the rightful order of things, they would occupy their own Trump-like throne in a gilded penthouse. Alpha male boorishness should work for them the way it worked for Donald. They should have it; they deserve it; the world has robbed them. They’re angry that they didn’t live a Trumpy life of romancing and discarding socialites and models, angry that their final prize for simply existing in a world that respected them in the way they deserve wasn’t their very own Melania. That they are, statistically, losers is not their fault; it’s the world’s fault.
Donald Trump is their alternate-reality success avatar. He’s just like them. And look at him! Living the good life!
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