More charged in "creepy clown" hoaxes in New Jersey, Connecticut

In other incidents, 12 people have arrested across Georgia, Alabama and Virginia in the past two weeks for both sides of the creepy clown coin: Either making false reports of clown threats or actually chasing people while costumed, authorities said on various county police Facebook posts.


Police in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, on Facebook Wednesday said the department received several calls of “creepy clowns” walking around, and warned people to “stop clowning around.” There have been between three to four reports but no sightings were confirmed and no arrests were made, Sheboygan Police Sgt. Timothy Patton said.

“We would like to kindly remind all that although there is nothing illegal with walking around in a creepy clown costume; trespassing on property, knocking on residents’ windows & doors, chasing citizens down the roadway and sending threatening messages on social media is and can lead to a citation or an arrest,” the police department said.

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