Hillary Clinton's lonesome white male supporters

Another white male Clinton supporter, Piet Jones, 51, said, “It can get lonely sometimes.”

Mr. Jones, a food writer and stay-at-home father in Richmond, Va., who supported Mrs. Clinton during her 2008 primary campaign, said his support of Barack Obama during the 2008 and 2012 general elections was not nearly so problematic.


“It was easier to be an Obama supporter than a Hillary supporter,” Mr. Jones said. “I used to work in banking, and when a man was a vice president of a large group, he’d be called tough. The women who’d act in the same ways would be referred to as shrill or a bitch. Men in that position are viewed as strong, powerful. Women who are strong are seen as usurpers. Hopefully, as a country, we can change. And maybe if Hillary has two good terms, I think it would go a long way to change that.”

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