Cornell College Republicans decertified after endorsing Gary Johnson

Last Friday the Cornell University Republicans endorsed Libertarian Gary Johnson for president, calling him “the true conservative in this election” and saying “this election’s unprecedented nature has made blind commitment to our Party unpalatable.” But blind commitment is what political parties are all about, so the very next day the New York Federation of College Republicans decertified the Cornell chapter, insisting that you cannot be a true Repubican if you aren’t willing to swallow the steaming pile of shit that is Donald Trump.


“Clubs are within their right not to endorse certain candidates within the party and decide to reallocate their resources down the ballot,” the state federation explained on Facebook. “What is unacceptable, however, is using a party-affiliated organization as a tool to support another party’s candidate in an election, whomever that candidate may be and whatever office the election may be for.”

The Cornell group saw things differently, imagining that principles are more important than mindless partisan cheerleading…

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