Is the impeachment of the next president an inevitability?

Hillary Clinton has her own growing set of issues that could foreshadow another presidential term disrupted by impeachment proceedings.

Among her potential high crimes and misdemeanors are multiple security violations involving classified information, wrongful possession and intentional destruction of government documents, receiving financial rewards in exchange for dispensing government favors, and making false statements to federal investigators and, under oath, to Congress.


The fact that all of Clinton’s alleged conduct has occurred before she would have assumed the presidency does not necessarily preclude a carry-over effect. Spiro Agnew, Richard Nixon’s vice president, was forced to resign for accepting a bribe in office in exchange for illegal official favors he had earlier rendered as governor of Maryland.

Given the potential legal and constitutional consequences attendant to either Trump or Clinton occupying the Oval Office, America deserves better than a hold-your-nose, lesser-of-two-evils election choice.

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