Trump fights breaking out across college campuses

Still, Penn State’s chapter is wading into unprecedented territory of declining to endorse the party’s nominee for president, and they are joined by a growing number of College Republicans chapters nationwide that are steering clear of Trump.


As students head back to campus for the start of the new school year, College Republicans are going through the same soul-searching that Republicans across the country have been wrestling with for months over what the future of their party will look like and what lasting impact Trump’s unorthodox campaign will have on the GOP.

“Look at various different conservative activist groups, the conservative media, there’s been a fracturing in how to deal with Trump, with some sites getting on board, other sites being strongly against,” said Tim Miller, who served as the top spokesman for Jeb Bush’s campaign before becoming a leader of the Never Trump movement that failed to derail his nomination. “So absolutely, this is a reflection about what’s happening in the party at large.”

At Harvard University, the oldest College Republicans club in the nation did not endorse the party’s nominee for president for the first time in 128 years, and at Yale University, more than half of Yale College Republicans’ executive board left the club and created Yale New Republicans after their former organization endorsed Trump earlier this month.

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