Trump and Clinton should "un-rig" the debates

So if Trump wants to truly shake up the elite milieu of political bosses, media, lobbyists and others, he should demand they un-rig the debates and eliminate the capricious rule requiring a presidential candidate to have at least 15 percent in public opinion polls to qualify for the fall debates.


There are many good reasons for Trump to do this.

First, the debates are the personal fiefdom of the two political parties pirouetting under the lofty title of the Commission for Presidential Debates. Think more of the Commissar for Political Debates, with insider party potentates ruling. They are not interested in any competition from outsiders.

You cannot get any more elite than that.

Second, polls can be murky and manipulative. The 15 percent is an arbitrary number determined by the average of five polls that are chosen by insiders. A past member of the Commission, once-Vice Chairman Newton Minow, co-wrote a report recommending new criteria for debate participation no longer rely on the assessment of the pundits who do polls, whom he referred to as “an aristocracy of unelected analysts and observers.”

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