Why trusting Trump on judges is folly

The glaring flaw in this logic is that Trump is not, in fact, ambivalent about protecting the liberty of religious Americans, he is openly antagonistic to it––it’s just that he has singled out Muslim Americans rather than Catholics or Jews or Mormons.


Dreher is blind to the degree to which their respective fates are tied.

If Trump and the judges he appoint help local communities to prevent the construction of mosques, other zoning bodies will use the same precedents to rein in churches; an effort to ban headscarves could have implications for Sikhs and Jews; whether a Muslim cab driver is able to refuse passage to someone ferrying alcohol will bear on whether a Christian can decline to bake a cake for a gay marriage. It’s hard to anticipate exactly what controversies will arise in future years, or how the precedents set will be applied still farther in the future, but suffice it to say that any legal attack on one faith’s religious liberties threatens every faith.

Which candidate is most likely to mount significant new attacks on a religious group, and to nominate judges with little regard for protecting minority rights? Here’s a clue: Would you rather live as a Muslim under Trump or a Christian under Clinton?

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