Is Trump trying to throw this election?

On the other hand, Trump hates to lose and is positively allergic to humiliation. When he was shopping for a running mate, Trump seems to have stumbled on a compromise, with son Donald Trump Jr. reportedly offering potential VPs a portfolio that encompassed foreign and domestic policy, while he, Trump, focused on “making America great again.” Maybe sometime in July, however, Trump realized that outsourcing the presidency is untenable.


Along with gleefully alienating entire segments of the electorate and attacking Republican sacred cows (military families and veterans, shrinking Social Security, Russophobia, Paul Ryan, and every GOP nominee or president since Bob Dole), Trump has laid some groundwork for exiting stage right. He is warning of a “rigged” election, for example — why compete if the system is fixed against you? When asked in July, Trump did not rule out quickly resigning if he won the White House. Republican leaders have taken note, reportedly preparing a backup plan if Trump bails.

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