It doesn't matter if Donald Trump is a Christian

Regardless of whether Trump converted recently, has always been a Christian, or is not at all a believer, more important to the choice Christians must make in this election are the tone he sets and policies he embraces.


This election is all about tribalism, dividing Americans into this or that competing group. Claiming Trump as a born-again Christian is an appeal to evangelical tribalism and nothing else. We elect men not on the state of their soul before God, but on the character we can see and the policies they embrace.

In my opinion, Trump’s character and policies both often directly oppose the teachings of Christ. He mocks the weak, broken, and disabled, calling people made in the image of God losers and worse. He lies continually and, when caught in a lie, neither corrects it nor apologizes.

He scorns the weak, considering those who help others to be suckers. He courts worldly power above all else. We all know his familial failures, his divorces and affairs, as well as his allegedly epic sexual conquests. Redemption is available for all these things, but it must be embraced. Trump has publicly expressed no remorse or repentance for the harm he has caused his wives or family—indeed, has publicly bragged about his behavior.

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