Here we go: GOP Rules Committee to meet Wednesday and Thursday to set convention rules

The conscience clause: Unruh is proposing a change to the rules that would effectively free delegates to vote for any candidate for president. She and her allies argue that it’s actually a superfluous effort: the rules already permit delegates to vote freely. But an ongoing dispute has left that argument up for debate. Unruh’s organization, Free the Delegates, has been predicated on stopping Trump from winning the nomination. But so far few Rules Committee delegates have publicly indicated support, and dozens have spoken out forcefully against her effort. The dilemma: Though hundreds of GOP delegates at the convention personally oppose Trump, many are unwilling to vote against him for the nomination because he won more votes than any of his rivals.


Though Unruh has argued that failure in the Rules Committee doesn’t preclude delegates from dumping Trump on the convention floor, pro-Trump Rules Committee members may seek to plug any gaps in the rules that are open to interpretation. If pro-Trump delegates affirm that delegates are, in fact, bound to support Trump, they could dramatically reduce the likelihood of a floor fight before it happens.

Closed primaries: Republicans have long fended off nationwide attempts to shut out Democrats and independents from their primaries, deferring to each state to pick the process it prefers. Even a small-scale effort in 2012 to award bonus delegates to states that embrace closed GOP primaries failed. Many Republican state leaders have supported open primaries as a tool to bring in new voters. Top-down bans on these primaries by the national party would undercut the Republican belief in deferring to states, they argued at the time.

But others contend that these policies have allowed Democrats to meddle in Republican affairs. Trump, who thrived on crossover voting by independents and even some Democrats, may not have fared as well in an election composed entirely of closed primaries, where Cruz tended to excel.


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