Hugh Hewitt to Trump: You need a Sistah Souljah moment with the anti-semites among your supporters

HH: Next two recommendations, a Sister Souljah moment where you rebuke the crazy 1% out there who say they’re with you but are anti-Semitic and supremacists and all, that you know, when Bill Clinton did the Sister Souljah moment, you could use one of those. I would love to hear you rebuke these people.


DT: I see, okay, I would do that. I certainly have done that, and I think very, very strongly. Now when you say the 1%, you’re talking about who”

HH: Now just the craziest people who say they’re with Donald Trump, and they’re not with you. You don’t like them, you reject them, but they say they’re with you.

DT: It’s true. I rejected them so strongly and so harshly, and then people say he didn’t reject them fast enough, breaking news, you know, it’s like unbelievable. The one case, I was on television, I rejected them on television. I then rejected them on Twitter, where I have a lot, you know, where I have, well, between Facebook and Twitter, we have over 20 million people. I rejected them on Twitter, @realDonaldTrump, by the way, I’ll get in a plug. But I totally rejected them on Twitter immediate after, and I still was, like it wasn’t fast enough. It’s a very unfair system. I’ll tell you what. The system is so unfair, so unfair.

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