After firing Lewandowski, Trump should keep his tactics

Why? Because Trump and Lewandowski’s two-pronged strategy of: 1) Letting Trump run with his popular, unorthodox message and 2) Using the media for free advertising instead of expensive TV ad buys was a winning strategy. How do I know this?


GOP man Jeb Bush, who raised more than $150 million and was loved by the establishment, had a calm, non-offensive, brainy, conventional message and ran his campaign by the textbook. Yet Trump clobbered him despite being outspent by nearly $100 million. The same is true for fellow establishment candidates Marco Rubio and John Kasich. In fact, when viewed as dollars spent per vote gotten, Trump spent massively less than all of the other GOP primary contenders—in some cases 100-fold less—yet still handily beat them all. Apparently there’s some truth to the old adage “Money isn’t everything.”

Some might argue, “That was the primary, this is the general. Things are different. Lewandowski is not cut out for a national general campaign.” Yet despite currently being out-staffed and outspent by enormous margins by Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton—indeed, Hillary raised nine times more than Trump in May alone—Trump is polling competitively against her in most states that are in play, including being up by one point in Florida, tied in Pennsylvania, and down by just three in Virginia. He hasn’t even started campaigning against Mrs. Clinton in earnest yet, with the big efforts still to come after the GOP convention in July, Trump says. Indeed once Trump puts his full guns against Clinton, the Lewandowski strategy may prove a winner yet again. And just wait until the debates.


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