"All in": In reversal, Rubio leaning towards running for Senate again

Senator Marco Rubio of Florida is leaning heavily toward running for re-election to the seat he swore he was giving up after six often frustrating years and a failed presidential run, associates said on Friday, a reversal that would upend one of the most competitive races in the country.


Mr. Rubio could make his decision public early next week after he spends the weekend with his family in Florida weighing the personal, political and financial considerations of another campaign. One adviser who described the senator as “all in” said Mr. Rubio’s staff members had already begun scouting a site for a possible announcement…

Mr. Rubio has personal factors to consider, as well. He has told people that he is eager to spend more time with his four children and that he wants to make enough money to be able to provide for them comfortably well into the future. He had been planning to spend the next few years giving speeches and doing other civic and political work that would allow for that. To help sift through the offers coming in, he retained the hard-bargaining Washington lawyer Robert B. Barnett.

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