#NeverTrump and the bloodthirsty, flag-burning, Mexican mob

The liberal media and the #NeverTrump conservatives make a big deal out of alt-right Tweets. If you support Trump, they say, you are associated with neo-Nazi hate in social media.


OK, let’s play that game. If you oppose Trump, you’re standing with the mob outside the Trump rally in San Jose, throwing bottles at people’s heads, burning the American flag and waving the Mexican one — all while chanting, “America was never great!”…

If you are a principled conservative with a hard time accepting Donald Trump as the Republican nominee, you can only afford a protest vote if you are lucky enough to live in a deep-red state where any Republican candidate is guaranteed to win, or if you live in a deep-blue state where no Republican has an icicle’s chance in hell…

Just remember that beyond that thin blue line of police, they are burning the flag, calling California “Aztlán,” and declaring America evil, even as they demand the protection of our laws.

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