Mr. Trump’s attitudes toward women are a throwback to the Rat Pack. His past on-air conversations with shock-jock Howard Stern make Don Draper of “Mad Men” sound like a feminist. His response to the familiar critique that these attitudes “objectify” women is, in effect: That’s what men do. The difference is that I don’t hide it. You’ve tried to make us feel guilty, and we’re not going to take it anymore. In my America, men will be free once again to be men, and the country will be better off.
Surprising numbers of Americans seem to agree with him…
So Mr. Trump’s supporters want a tougher, more masculine America. But what does this mean, exactly? The PRRI survey, conducted in partnership with the Atlantic magazine, offers some clues. Although only 39% of Americans believe that society is better off when men and women hew to traditional gender roles, the figure rises to 50% among Mr. Trump’s backers…
Among Mr. Trump’s supporters, 65% endorse this view. My interpretation: They think it will take a “real man,” indifferent to respectable opinion and procedural niceties, to blow up the entire corrupt system and get the country back on track.
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