If he said he raised/donated $6 million to charity for veterans group — the support of which he has put at the center of his campaign — then the media’s job, LITERALLY OUR JOB, is to find out who he gave to and how much. Simply taking Trump at his word — “I’m accountable,” he insisted Monday — isn’t good enough.
Ask yourself this: Would you be okay with Hillary Clinton being allowed to skate with her “trust me I did the right thing” explanation (I am paraphrasing) on her email server? Would you be okay with the media simply taking her word for it that all of the emails she deleted and didn’t turn over to the State Department were totally personal in nature? Or that the sole reason she set up the server was for “convenience” sake?
No, you wouldn’t.
Donald Trump — or you — don’t have to like the media. That’s fine. But I would caution you that casting aspersions on the media for asking questions of one of the two people who will be the leader of the free world is a dangerous game.
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