Yes, Hillary was an enabler

The allegation the Clintons have never truly grappled with is Juanita Broaddrick’s charge of rape. Her story has been consistent over the years; she told people about the alleged assault at the time; and her account includes details that accord with what other woman have said about encounters with Bill.


Perhaps you think Hillary had to stand by her man, or she correctly calculated that the broader political project — both of the Clintons and of liberalism – justified waging political war against a few inconvenient women. Even so, there is no doubt Hillary compromised herself, by the standards of feminism 20 years ago, and even more by the standards of today.

Is there anyone more “privileged” than a white male who is a governor and president? Even if you don’t believe the worst, Bill didn’t live up to contemporary norms of consent, to put it mildly. If consistency mattered, feminists would demand safe spaces whenever Bill Clinton approached a college campus.

Hillary’s answer to Trump’s offensive is telling — nothing. Sometimes there’s just not a good answer.

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