An extraordinary and flabbergasting documentary film opened last week: Weiner, directed by Josh Kriegman and Elyse Steinberg. An intimate, unblinking look at Anthony Weiner’s disastrous 2013 campaign for New York City mayor—which was derailed by revelations that he had continued sexting multiple young women even after a previous sexting scandal had forced him to resign from Congress in 2011—Weiner might well be the most mortifying movie ever made, even including Mortdecai.
My first thought after seeing the film was, like most people’s, What were Anthony Weiner and his wife, Huma Abedin (longtime Hillary Clinton aide), thinking when they allowed some of the most painful, excruciating moments in their marriage to be filmed? My first and a half thought: What would a shrink make of all this? So I arranged for three authentic Upper West Side psychotherapists to see the film and then I debriefed them. They are:
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