Tucker Carlson: Glenn Beck really sucked up to Zuckerberg at Facebook summit

“I went to that meeting expecting Beck to cry, rend his garments while quoting James Madison, but that’s not at all what happened. He began the most extended assiduous suck-up I think I’ve ever seen a grown man commit. He acted like he was auditioning to be Mark Zuckerberg’s manservant — it was awe-inspiring,’ Carlson said. “I don’t know what his agenda is; it’s either he’s looking to put his tanking Web properties up for sale or he just can’t help himself. There’s a billionaire there, so he sniffs the throne.” …


Carlson said he was one person at the meeting who brought up increasing diversity at the company, and that Beck’s description was a “total mischaracterization” of what he was trying to say.

“My point was a simple one, which is diversity is deeper than ethnicity,” Carlson said. “You can look different but have the same values. That’s not diversity; it’s conformity. … You want people with different life experiences as a backstop against bad decision.”

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