The NBC headline read, “Why Trump Must Make Gains Among Women Voters to Win the White House,” which brought to mind two things: First, native speakers of English, including professional writers, remain confused about when to use “women” (noun) and when to use “female” (adjective).
Second, O. J. Simpson was guilty.
Of course Donald Trump is doing poorly with female voters. Trump is a man who, despite his vast inherited wealth and celebrity, is so insecure in his relations with women that he invented an imaginary friend to lie to reporters about his love life (Carla Bruni? Sure, Donald) and set up a modeling agency to import a dating pool. His first wife accused him, in formal legal proceedings, of raping her, and he boasted of sharing with his buddy Jeffrey Epstein — of “Pedophile Island” fame, now a registered sex offender – a taste for women “on the younger side.” He’s a Class A weirdo and a creep.
Mrs. Clinton is a Class A weirdo and a creep of a different sort. And, just as Trump does poorly with female voters, Mrs. Clinton does poorly with male voters. In a CNN poll, Clinton beat Trump among women 62 percent to 34 percent; Trump beat Clinton among men 54 percent to 41 percent. That same poll found that in the early Democratic-primary states, Clinton’s overperformance with women/underperformance with men widened over 2008, going from a 7.5 percent difference to a 10.5 percent difference.
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