The contemptuous certainty of Barack Obama

That’s why Rhodes’ forthright contemptuousness made such an outsized splash. It merely put a spotlight on just how deeply in denial the president’s tiny circle of neophyte advisors have become about their self-imposed reversal of fortune. This crew, of which Rhodes is just one member, simply does not care that it has torched its reputation with a broad swath of D.C.’s most reasonable and experienced foreign policy makers and analysts.


This goes far beyond the crew’s parlous record with Obama’s defense secretaries. (All three of Ash Carter’s predecessors — Bob Gates, Leon Panetta, and Chuck Hagel — left the administration throwing up their hands in disgust.) Even the plugged-in “less-than-hawkish types” who vented to The Washington Post’s Dan Drezner were “pretty infuriated by the fact that Rhodes sounds so sure that he has gotten foreign policy right. At a minimum,” Drezner explained, “anyone with a hand in running American foreign policy while the Russian ‘reset’ collapsed, the Arab spring curdled, and Syria, Libya, and Yemen disintegrated might consider whether such self-certainty is truly deserved.” To a key set of mainliners, Democrats included, whom Clinton will need to rally, Rhodes’ words came off as a bizarre and unseemly end zone dance on behalf of an inner circle whose deep disrespect for the foreign policy establishment is an open secret in Washington.


For the Beltway’s foreign policy lifers, the attitude problems that have corrupted the policymaking process in the Obama White House offer a grim premonition of life under a Trump administration. But Team Clinton, itself notoriously insulated and ingrown (as Sid Blumenthal’s Benghazi-era emails reminded D.C.), will not be playing to its strengths in trying to prove it will restore the warmth, competence, and trust that the president took away — at a moment, next year, when salvaging America’s role in the world will be challenge enough.

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