Even as the sands run out of the Bernie Sanders campaign’s delegate hourglass, the upstart Democratic presidential candidate’s surrogates continue to hope for an outcome that results in Sanders becoming the nominee instead of Hillary Clinton. One of Sanders’ most vocal and vociferous surrogates has now taken those hopes to a dark place. In a recent interview with Larry King, Oscar-winning actress Susan Sarandon said she’s still not ready to say she would vote for Hillary over Donald Trump, and told King that she’d “see what happens.”
Asked what could happen to give Bernie the nomination, here’s what Sarandon said:
So many things. She could have health issues. She could not get the nomination.
Sarandon’s macabre suggestion is, of course, not without precedent, and a suspicious person might think that she only made it on order to remind people of a contingency that then-Senator Hillary Clinton floated during the 2008 Democratic primary contest, right around this time:
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