But Gingrich looks like the best fit of them all. His “Contract with America” campaign of 1995, which won the House for the GOP for the first time in 40 years, demonstrated his ability to redirect the national political conversation.
His successful drives to revamp the welfare system and balance the budget showed he could forge consensus on enormously important issues while still pillorying his Democratic bargaining partners. His deep familiarity with the Clintons from those years can’t help but be valuable now.
If there’s an early knock against Gingrich inside the GOP, it’s that he’s been too sycophantically enthusiastic about the billionaire’s business acumen and political skill. Although he made no endorsement during the contested primaries, behind closed doors Gingrich touted Trump’s virtues to Washington insiders long before it was clear he’d be the nominee.
And if the ticket comes to fruition, Democrats will surely delight in mocking a pair of three-times married, puffed up, aging white guys with surreal hair and more talent for making bombastic pronouncements than for shaping public policy.
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